Do you like to have an ideal workshop as an educator? A workshop is a physical session you present and usually involves practice and hands-on activities. The difference between a workshop and a lecture is that a lecture is one-sided, while a workshop involves practical work and participation.
In workshops, participants usually contribute to creating part of the content. For example, the workshop is about “advertising and marketing ideas.” First, the instructor shared some key points and divided the participants into several groups. Each group has to come up with new ideas within a specified time. Then, all these ideas are shared and made available to all participants.
Usually, the number of participants in a workshop is smaller than in seminars. It’s better to have around 20 to 50 participants in a workshop. The impact of a workshop is much more significant than a lecture or a one-sided class.
Celebrity Educator is not just a speaker; they also conduct specific workshops to help participants achieve better results. What are the specifications of an ideal workshop?
Specifications of an Ideal Workshop
1. Pre-Workshop Handout
This handout is provided to participants before the workshop and helps them prepare for the session. It may include resources that are needed before attending the workshop.
2. Workshop Handout
The workshop handout contains all the critical information written in it. Having the handout reduces the need for participants to take extensive notes during the workshop.
3. Deliver content at the End of the Ideal Workshop
Participants must repeat your workshop content several times to gain mastery. It is advisable to provide a complete audio or video recording of the session at the end of the workshop.
4. Follow-up and Reminder
If you follow up with participants through SMS, email, or phone calls for at least 30 days after the workshop and encourage them to implement the workshop ideas, you will be amazed by the results.
5. Participant Engagement
Create a group on your website or social media platforms for participants to stay connected and ask questions to each other after the workshop.
6. Pre and Post Evaluation
In the workshops I conduct for organizations, I design a test and ask all participants to write their answers before the workshop begins. Then, at the end of the workshop, I administered the same test again! So, participants see how their knowledge has improved.